In the Graphic Design program, students learn the process of visual communication through the combo of images, photography and text to represent ideas and messages. OCAD U’s Graphic Design program teaches students the skills they need for commercial and corporate work but also encourages them to use graphic design as an art form, to challenge barriers and create work for social good.
Chenhui Song
Chenhui Song

Graphic Design

Chenhui Song aka. Hugh

“A website platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to generate graphic compositions. ”

Juliet Dang
Juliet Dang

Graphic Design and Illustration

Juliet Dang

“To Be A Hero is a fantasy RPG about embracing differences in others, finding a sense of belonging, and extending kindness to those in need. ”

Amy Kim
Amy Kim

Graphic Design and Illustration

Amy Kim

Kate McDermott
Kate McDermott

Graphic Design

Kate McDermott

Mary-Rose Little
Mary-Rose Little
Michelle Su
Michelle Su

Graphic Design

Michelle Su

Tyler Job
Tyler Job

Graphic Design

Tyler Job

Simone Capozzolo
Simone Capozzolo

Graphic Design

Simone Capozzolo

Heesun Jung
Heesun Jung

Graphic Design

Heesun Jung

Joyce Ong
Joyce Ong

Graphic Designer

Joyce Ong aka. Joyce

Ashlee McKeown
Ashlee McKeown
Rabeea Syed
Rabeea Syed
Yubin Lee
Yubin Lee
Nana Debrah
Nana Debrah
Mikahla Iuele
Mikahla Iuele
Alycia D'Alfonsi
Alycia D'Alfonsi
Jiangning Huang
Jiangning Huang
Jason Aronsberg
Jason Aronsberg
Christina Hayes
Christina Hayes
Hailey Wengle
Hailey Wengle
Alicja Pona
Alicja Pona
Jessica Nunez
Jessica Nunez
Charlotte Latraverse
Charlotte Latraverse
Stacey Sexton
Stacey Sexton
Ramsha Shakeel
Ramsha Shakeel
Nora Bahgat
Nora Bahgat
Ayodele Lawson
Ayodele Lawson
Amina Ismail
Amina Ismail
Roxanne Nash
Roxanne Nash
Xinyue Wu
Xinyue Wu
Robert Syer
Robert Syer