


Animation reels by Natacha.

Installation - Conversation with Self
Installation - Conversation with Self

Integrated Media

Installation - Conversation with Self

In this Installation, we want to explore interactivity through physicality and theatricality. A monologue, in either direction, is not a conversation. So do conversations require for at least two people to be engaged in a dialogue or can we... More

Installation - I SEE
Installation - I SEE


Installation - I SEE

I SEE is a double projection installation based around ideas of embodiment and spatialization. The subject is put in front of a camera that captures their own image and feeds it back to a projector that is pointed towards the camera wall. On the... More

Installation - Screenscape
Installation - Screenscape


Installation - Screenscape

Using elements of the tangible world, Screenscape aims at transforming the illusion of projection and light into a physical, present, tangible thing. Multiple screens of multiple shapes are placed around the space where viewers can walk and... More

Thesis - Difficult to Handle
Thesis - Difficult to Handle


Thesis - Difficult to Handle

There is no doubt gender bias exists in the workplace, but when the very tools are designed to not be used by you, the bias becomes more prominent. Many tools and safety gears are designed based on male user prototype, making it challenging for... More

Thesis - Dummy, Take the Wheel
Thesis - Dummy, Take the Wheel


Thesis - Dummy, Take the Wheel

The automobile industry is one of the industries that lack female-inclusive research. Cars are designed based on the male default as men were the only ones able/allowed to use them. However, the design gap becomes more obvious as more women pick up... More

Thesis - Hard to Grasp
Thesis - Hard to Grasp


Thesis - Hard to Grasp

This image highlights another male dominated space – the gym. While the atmosphere can often be unwelcoming to women, the design of equipment themselves can also cause one to feel out of place. Gym equipment are often designed for male usage –... More

Thesis - Invisible Data
Thesis - Invisible Data


Thesis - Invisible Data

One of the most overlooked discrepancies is the field of research, where most test subjects are male, leaving out a large percentage of the population. Along with the underfunding in research regarding women, this leaves their healthcare hugely... More

Thesis - Is It Just Me?
Thesis - Is It Just Me?


Thesis - Is It Just Me?

Continuing with the theme of workplace environment, research has shown that office temperature is more often set to the comfort of male employees rather than their female colleagues. Women and men’s basal metabolic rate differ and this plays into... More

Thesis - Mind the Gap
Thesis - Mind the Gap


Thesis - Mind the Gap

Although public services and spaces are designed with inclusivity in mind, many of them still exist with bias. Public transportation is an example of how exclusion of certain groups in research and development can be endangering. Safety handles and... More

Thesis - My body, Who's choice?
Thesis - My body, Who's choice?


Thesis - My body, Who's choice?

Additional to women’s healthcare being underfunded and often dismissed, the system continuously attempts to control women’s reproductive rights. Girls are constantly being told what to do regarding their sexual and reproductive rights while their... More

Thesis - Sorry, I Didn’t Catch That
Thesis - Sorry, I Didn’t Catch That


Thesis - Sorry, I Didn’t Catch That

This illustration depicts the male default design in technologies, voice recognition and even fitness devices often misinterpret data from female users. This image highlights the fitness app failing to recognize tasks done by women (in this case... More

Work by

Natacha Supavivat


“Check out my work at OCAD U's GradEx 108 ! :)”